February Regulatory Update

Standards and Regulations
China: New Mandatory National Standards approved
They entered into force on December 31, 2024. They cover, among others, electric bicycles and personal protective equipment.
On December 31, 2024, the Chinese Standardisation Administration and the Chinese State Administration for Market Regulation published an announcement of 14 new mandatory national standards.
The following standards, are included in this Announcement:
• GB 17761-2024: Safety technical specification for electric bicycles;
• GB 20072-2024: Rear collision safety requirements for passenger cars;
• GB 23394-2024: Respiratory protection—Positive pressure self-contained closed-circuit compressed oxygen breathing apparatus;
• GB 39800.8-2024: Specification for the provision of personal protective equipment - part 8: shipbuilding industry;
• GB 39800.9-2024: Specification for the provision of personal protective equipment - part 9: automobile industry;
• GB 45184-2024: Safety technical specifications for optometry products;
• GB 45185-2024: Safety technical specifications of finished spectacles;
• GB 45186-2024: Requirements of restricting excessive packaging in express delivery;
• GB 45187-2024: Fall protection - climb auto system against fall;
• GB 45188-2024: Hand protection—Protective gloves for welders.
Related links
India: New Indian Standards Established
Peru: New Technical Standards on Electric Vehicles, Power Systems and Others published
Electrical Safety
Chile: Amendment of Safety Testing and Certification of Portable Stationary Outdoor Cooking appliances using combustible gases published
It entered into force on December 20, 2024. It extends the date of application until June 1, 2025.
On December 20, 2024, the Chilean Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels (SEC) issued Resolution No. 29622, extending the application date of Protocol PE No. 49/2 related to the Safety Testing and Certification of Portable and Stationary Outdoor Cooking Appliances Using Combustible Gases.
As a result, Protocols PC No. 49/2:2007 and PC No. 49/2:2022 will both remain in effect until May 31, 2025. Starting June 1, 2025, Protocol PC No. 49/2:2022 will supersede and replace Protocol PC No. 49/2:2007.
Related links
Chile: New Resolutions for Safety Certification published
Energy Efficiency
Malaysia: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Regulations published
They entered into force on January 1, 2025.
Through December 2024, the Malaysian Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation released several regulations affecting requirements and criteria for Energy Efficiency and Conservation as described below:
PU (A) 466, 2024 - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Regulations:
• Part I sets the energy consumption threshold for an energy consumer at 21,600 gigajoules.
• Part II outlines the responsibilities and appointment process for a registered energy manager, as detailed in Chapter 1.
• Chapter 2 specifies that energy consumers must establish an energy management system within one year of appointing the registered energy manager and submit an energy efficiency and conservation report.
• Article 10 requires energy consumers to submit an energy audit report, with possible exemptions.
• Part III details the responsibilities of the person in charge of a building for applying for an energy intensity label.
• Part IV mandates that energy-using products must meet the minimum energy performance standard of at least a two-star rating.
• Part V defines the qualifications for energy managers and energy auditors.
• Part VI covers the fees for applications under the regulations.
PU (A) 453, 2024- Amendment to the 1994 Electricity Regulations:
• The definition of the efficiency rating label in Regulation 2 has been removed.
• Regulation 101A, concerning the efficient use of electricity by equipment, has been deleted.
• Regulation 101B, which related to energy performance testing reports, has been removed.
• Regulation 101C, regarding submission for testing and seizure for efficient use of electricity, has been deleted.
• The Fourth Schedule, outlining energy performance testing standards, minimum energy performance standards, and efficiency ratings for efficient electricity use, has been removed.
PU (A) 467, 2024 -Energy Efficiency and Conservation (Compounding of Offences) Regulation:
This specifies the procedures for compounding, which include issuing an offer to compound (Form 2) with written consent from the Public Prosecutor (Form 1). The person who accepts the offer, as indicated in Form 3, must return Form 3 to the Commission. Payment of the compound must be made by the individual to whom the offer is made.
Related links
Uruguay: Guidelines for updating Requirements for Energy Efficiency Labelling published
Denmark: Radio Interfaces, Order BEK No. 1340/2023
It entered into force on January 1, 2024.
This Order issued by the Danish Energy Agency on 26 November 2023, lays down rules concerning frequency assignments, transmission effects, authorisation conditions etc. for the following radios interfaces in Appendices 1-44:
1) No. 00 003 for low-power radio systems for the transmission of alarms in connection with motor vehicles (Appendix 1).
2) No. 00 004 for low-power radio equipment for data communication (Appendix 2).
3) No. 00 005 for low-power radio systems for remote control (Appendix 3).
4) No. 00 006 for low-power radio systems for remote control of models (Appendix 4).
5) No. 00 007 for low-power radio equipment for local data networks in the frequency band 5-6 GHz (Appendix 5).
6) No. 00 008 for low-power radio systems with coil-shaped antennas (Appendix 6).
7) No. 00 022 for land mobile VHF/UHF radio systems, incl. PMR 446 radio system (Appendix 7).
8) No. 00 023 for active medical implants with low and ultra-low transmission power (Appendix 8).
9) No. 00 024 for radio equipment for medical telemetry (Appendix 9).
10) No. 00 025 for low-power radio systems for the hearing impaired, ALD (Assistive Listening Devices) and wireless PMSE audio equipment (Program Making and Special Events) (Appendix 10).
11) No. 00 026 for radio systems for use in alarms (Appendix 11).
12) No. 00 027 for radio equipment for use in closed paging services (ON-SITE Paging) (Appendix 12).
13) No. 00 028 for 27 MHz CB radio equipment (Citizens' Band) (Appendix 13).
14) No. 00 029 for radio equipment for broadband data transmission (Appendix 14).
15) No. 00 030 for radio systems for Transport and Traffic Telematics (TTT) (Appendix 15).
16) No. 00 031 for low-power radio equipment for radio location determination (Appendix 16).
17) No. 00 032 for low-power radio systems with integrated or dedicated antenna intended for telemetry, remote control purposes, alarming, speech and data transfer etc. (Appendix 17).
18) No. 00 037 for maritime MF/HF radio systems incl. DSC and radio telex system (Appendix 18).
19) No. 00 038 for maritime UHF radio systems (Appendix 19).
20) No. 00 039 for permanently installed and portable maritime VHF radio systems, incl. DSC facility (Appendix 20).
21) No. 00 040 for maritime radar transponders (SART) (Annex 21).
22) No. 00 041 for marine emergency locator radio equipment (EPIRB) (Appendix 22).
23) No. 00 042 for aeronautical COSPAS-SARSAT emergency radio locator (ELT) (Annex 23).
24) No. 00 046 for radio systems for maritime positioning (non-SOLAS) (Appendix 24).
25) No. 00 047 for private digital land mobile UHF radio systems (Appendix 25).
26) No. 00 048 for radio equipment for use in railway operations (Appendix 26).
27) No. 00 050 for meteor scatter radio terminals (Appendix 27).
28) No. 00 051 for radio equipment for identification (RFID) (Appendix 28).
29) No. 00 054 for radio equipment for short-range radar (SRR) in the frequency band 77-81 GHz for use in vehicles (Appendix 29).
30) No. 00 055 for radio equipment for short-range radar (SRR) in the frequency band 21-26 GHz for time-limited use in vehicles (Appendix 30).
31) No. 00 056 for radio installations using ultra wideband technology (UWB) (Appendix 31).
32) No. 00 058 for terminals in the fixed satellite service, including VSAT and SNG as well as ESIM/ESOMPs and FSS earth stations (Appendix 32).
33) No. 00 059 for UWB ground and wall survey radar (GPR/WPR) (Appendix 33).
34) No. 00 061 for radio installations for intelligent transport systems (ITS) in the frequency band 5855-5935 MHz (Appendix 34).
35) No. 00 062 for radio installations for intelligent transport systems (ITS) in the frequency band 63.72-65.88 GHz (Appendix 35).
36) No. 00 065 for service- and technology-neutral frequency use in the frequency band 31.8-33.4 GHz (Appendix 36).
37) No. 00 066 for service- and technology-neutral frequency use in the frequency band 57.0-66.0 GHz (Appendix 37).
38) No. 00 069 for service- and technology-neutral frequency use in the frequency band 40.5-43.5 GHz (Appendix 38).
39) No. 00 070 for LPR equipment (Level Probing Radar) in the frequency bands 6.0-8.5 GHz, 24.05-26.5 GHz, 57-64 GHz and 75-85 GHz (Appendix 39).
40) No. 00 071 for radio chain systems (Appendix 40).
41) No. 00 073 for Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) (Appendix 41).
42) No. 00 074 for radio equipment for use in rotorcraft for detecting obstacles in the frequency band 76-77 GHz (Appendix 42).
43) No. 00 075 for aircraft earth stations (AES) (Appendix 43).
44) No. 00 076 for autonomous maritime radio equipment (AMRD) (Appendix 44).
This Order enters into force on 1 January 2024.
Related links
Japan: Amendment of Radio Act Enforcement Regulations on broadening the scope of recording media published
South Korea: Technical Standards for Charging and Data Transmission Methods of Broadcasting and Communication equipment such as Mobiles and Smart devices published
Thailand: Radio Frequency Spectrum - Management Plan
Other news
Colombia: DEKRA Accredited by ONAC under the accreditation code 23-CPR-015, in accordance with ISO/IEC 17065:2012 for Electrical Product Certification and Energy Efficiency Labeling in Colombia
The scope includes RETIE (Technical Regulation for Electrical Installations), RETILAP (Technical Regulation for Lighting and Street Lighting Equipment), and RETIQ (Technical Regulation for Energy Labeling). DEKRA is also authorized to officially register certified products in SICERCO.
The details can be found on the dekra.com website (link provided below).
Related links
Türkiye: New Import Controls published