Damage Appraisal and Evaluation for Bicycles

Damage Appraisal and Evaluation for Bicycles
Bicycle damage assessments are issued for damage which concerns the household goods insurance, liability insurance or collision damage insurance. Based on the corresponding terms of insurance, our experts determine any information which is required for the preservation of evidence and as a basis for claims services. Damage assessments are negotiable and serve to clarify the facts and secure claims. In addition to photos, the service also includes a verbal damage description and information on plausibility.
You are also in the right place at DEKRA, when it comes to finding out the purchase, sale or replacement value of bicycles: We have the expert knowledge to value bikes properly. In the evaluation, we make reliable statements about the condition of the vehicle. All the details of the vehicle are recorded, and all value-linked factors are comprehensibly documented and taken into account in the valuation. This means that we provide a reliable basis for determining the purchase or sales value of S-pedelecs, pedelecs or conventional bicycles.
Call us any time under our service number. You can also contact one of our DEKRA offices, of course. One of our experts will contact you directly with a concrete offer.